

KDP(Kindle Direct publishing) キンドルダイレクトパブリッシィングを使って Kindle から英語(と日本語)で書いた電子本を出版した経験から、その基本的なやり方を簡単にまとめてみました。(出版には Windows10 を使いました。) KDPサイトはこちら。 最…

My Healthy Food

I don’t spend much money on junk food, and I don’t buy canned or bottled drinks from bending machine, either, because I know that these junk food is not only harmful to our health, but also it can stick to our teeth and harm them.Many soft…

My Favorite Food

I like Japanese food very much. My favorite Japanese food is Sashimi and Shabu-shabu. But they are too expensive to eat everyday.I like udon very much. I like tanuki-udon very much. I also like tanuki-soba. And I like kitsune-udon/soba als…